STR_LBL_SERIALCODE = This is your Serial Code, please copy it and send it to us:
STR_LBL_SERIALNUM = Please enter your Serial Number here:
STR_LBL_REGHINT = To upgrade to the licensed version, please click on "Purchase Online". Registered users: please enter the Serial Number below to activate the licensed version.
STR_PASS_HINT = The default password is "123"
STR_LALEL_PASS = Password:
STR_CAPTION_MOUNT = Mount New Partition
STR_LBL_MOUNTTIP = Please set the partition letter:
STR_REG_REBT = Your computer needs a reboot to verify your serial number. Do you want to restart your computer now?
STR_CHNAGE_ERR = Fail to change the protection mode!
STR_TRIAL_OUT = Out of trial period. Some functionality on the program will not work!
STR_TRIAL_VER = This is a Trial Version
STR_FULL_VER = This is a Full Version
STR_TRAY_HINT = ,Click Here.
STR_WARN_PROTECT = Please note: The Protection is ON. All data changes in Partition %s:\ will be lost after you exit Windows!
STR_WARN_UNPROTECT = Please note: The Protection is OFF. All data changes in Partition %s:\ will be saved!
STR_QUR_QUIT = The protection is ON. Are you sure you want to quit the program now?
STR_QUR_PROTECT_REBT = Are you sure you want to switch the protection mode and restart your computer now?
STR_QUR_DELETE_IMAGE = A Virtual Partition already exists. Are you sure you want to delete the existing one and replace it with a new Virtual Partition?
ERR_MOUNTEDOK = Please dismount the mounted virtual partition first!
ERR_NOFREELETTER = There is no available letter to mount the Virtual Partition!
ERR_INSTALLDRIVER1 = Fail to install the engine 1!
ERR_INSTALLDRIVER2 = Fail to install the engine 2!
ERR_UNINSTALLDRIVER1 = Fail to temove the engine 1!
ERR_UNINSTALLDRIVER2 = Fail to temove the engine 2!
ERR_SETAUTORUN = Fail to enable the autorun!
ERR_REMOVEAUTORUN = Fail to disable the autorun!
ERR_INVALIDPASS = Invalid Password. Please check your input!
ERR_DELETE_VDISK = Fail to delete the existing Virtual Partition!
ERR_READPARM = Fail to read the driver information!
ERR_GET_DISKINFO = Fail to get the Partition information, Error =
ERR_TOOSMAILLSPACE = It needs at least 128Mb. available space in your system Partition.
ERR_FORMATDISK = Fail to format the new Virtual Partition!
ERR_NOLETTER = There is no available letter for the new Partition
ERR_PROT_CREATE = Can not create a new Partition while the protection is ON. Please turn OFF the protection first.
ERR_NO_IMAGEFILE = Please create a Virtual Partition first!
ERR_SET_REG_INFO = Fail to change the registry information!